
While working on Grid I have faced hell lot of errors. Some related to skia, some related to json parsing and hell f** lot about ENETUNREACH (Network is unreachable). There are two mistakes I made, first one is small, with almost no impact on performance, the other one is a glorious blunder caused by utter ignorance. I will start with the little one.

Grid’s networking part uses Akka actors to host TCP servers, the actors look something like this:

def receive = {
	case =>
		port = 7961
		val temp = inStream.readUTF()
		inData =
			if (temp == inData)
				temp + " <3"

	self !

	case (todo: (String => Unit), onMainThread: Boolean) =>
		if (onMainThread)
	case _ =>

Nothing fancy here, just an actor which can react to a string and a function. When the actor receives a string “host” it kickstarts a TCP server through the startServer() call. Firstly, notice that the actor is designed to respond to two messages(string and anonymous function), what happens when the actor receives “host” and then an anonymous function? Well, it starts a TCP server and waits for someone to connect to it. Waits, that’s what the actor does. And what happens to the second message?, it waits too. The result is that the actor fails to respond to messages in time, the thread blocking code prevents it from doing that. “Okayy, so put the thread blocking code in a new thread, what’s the fuss?”, you might say, but that is not what actors are. Firstly, blocking io must be avoided in an actor. Secondly and most importantly, actors use forkJoinPool to execute the messages, if the threads run low, new ones are spawned. So, here is what is happening here, I have multiple actors doing blocking io which results in an equal number of threads being spawned, no work stealing works here, no performance boost of forkJoinPool is seen. Hence, I get nothing out of the actor approach. Normal Threads would have worked easily and would have needed less boilerplate.

And now we come to the second part(feels like an idiot). Okay so you saw that the actor starts a TCP server through a startServer() call. Under the hood, it does this:

def startServer() = {
	serverSocket = new ServerSocket(port)
	server = serverSocket.accept()
	inStream = new DataInputStream(server.getInputStream)
	outStream = new DataOutputStream(server.getOutputStream)

If google had these lines then whenever someone searched something and then finally quit the browser, the main server would go full down and would restart, everytime, Everytime, Reboot. This is how it happens in my code. The actor receives a “host” message and in turn it starts a server, the client connects and finally leaves, and now the actor sends a “host” message to itself, which in turn calls the startServer(). And startServer() closes the socket and then makes a new one, everytime. Hence, whenever a client disconnects a totally new server is created, and in the mean time if anyone tries to connect, well the server is just isn’t there so connect failed: ENETUNREACH (Network is unreachable).

After years of research and an expedition to amazon, I found the solution. Rx, the close to holy grail of concurrency. Please do read about it if you haven’t heard of it. The solution is something like this. The io.streamer.Server class, takes 2 parameters, a port number, and a function. The start() method creates a thread which listens for incoming client connections, and returns an Observable which emits the result of the function you passed to start(). That function must take one argument of Socket type. Again, code will explain better:

import io.streamer.Server
import io.streamer.Client

object Io extends App {
	new Server(9000, {
		socket =>
		val inputStream = new DataInputStream(socket.getInputStream)
		val inData = inputStream.readLine

	).start() foreach println

And this is how it works. A server is started on the specified port, on every connection a new thread is spawned whis executes the function you passed as the second parameter. The thread that was spawned earlier for a new connection is actually an observable, which emits the result of the second parameter, the function you passed. In the code above, the passed function is of type socket=>String which means it takes a socket connection and returns a String. In our case, the returned string is the message sent by client. The final scene looks like this, you get an observable server which can emit whatever you want. I am yet to modify the code in Grid but I think it will work nicely. These servers are fault tolerant, so even if a connection crashes, because of server side or client side, the server remains intact. Check out the source here.