
The functional reactive programming course on coursera got me pretty excited for the FRP paradigm and it felt like it is the only sensible way of doing things.

I looked at my code of Grid and there was this really ugly block which took a variable, and polled it every 0.5 seconds to check if anything changed, and published the change if it occurred. Here’s the code(don’t judge please):

def watchVariable[A](check: => A) = {
	Observable[(A, A)](
		observer => {
			var initial = check
			newThread {
				while (true) {
					val current = check
					if (current != null)
					if (!current.equals(initial)) {
						observer.onNext((initial, current))
						initial = check


This might look stupid, inefficient or bug prone but at the time of writing code, Scala.Rx just slipped out of mind. It is a well documented and really awesome FRP library for Scala. And if you are thinking what FRP is then I would recommend the coursera videos if you want to have a deep understanding of everything and if you want a brief intro then head here.

Coming to the point, I wanted to fix that watchVariable design pattern, and decided to use Scala.Rx to do that. So, I wanted an ObservableMap(now deprecated in scala) kinda thing where anything added to it notifies me, and I also did not want to change the existing way of using the map like map+=(k->v), because I have done that almost everywhere and I wanted the map to be thread safe and I wanted it to fix the world.

Luckily I stumbled upon this page. Go straight for Synchronized Sets and Maps and you will see everything we need to have. It was like you wanted an answer of a sorta tough question from assignment and it was just there, on yahoo answers, solved by some nerd. So here’s the plan, we will use a SynchronizedHashMap(so I can haz thread safety), override the += function(so that I don’t have to change any current code) and use Scala.rx to watch changes. And here’s the code in all its glory:

import rx._
import scala.collection.mutable.{Map,
	SynchronizedMap, HashMap}

	object Scala_rx_tut extends App {
		def makeMap(watch:Var[(String,String)]):Map[String, String] = {
			new HashMap[String, String] with
			SynchronizedMap[String, String] {
				override def +=(kv: (String,String)) ={
					val res=super.+=(kv)

		val watch=Var("bill"->"cipher")
		val map = makeMap(watch)
		val arr=Array(("I"->"want"),("season"->"3"),("right"->"now"))
		0 to 2 foreach{


The makeMap function takes a Var argument which is basically the thing which will let us know if a new value is being added. The Var is special variable which has a callback which is fired when the value of the variable changes. We then use a HashMap as our base Map implementation, which then is mixed with SynchronizedMap to provide, thread safety. The override, then changes the Var argument which in turn fires its callback. And then finally everything comes together beautifully like an orchestra. No more of that old dirty polling function, AND I don’t have to change any existing code. So, in my opinion this was rad because I got exactly what I planned on having. I plan on learning more of FRP and get better at it, so expect more cool stuff!